
In the future, we will focus on building a comprehensive ecosystem centered around the game content of Counter Fire. This ecosystem will include a trading marketplace, IP development, esports events, and a series of other content to provide players with a more diverse and enriching gaming experience. Additionally, it will create more opportunities for development within the gaming community.

Firstly, we will establish an open and fair trading marketplace, allowing players to freely trade in-game items, NFTs, and other assets to promote the prosperity and development of the in-game economy. Simultaneously, we will actively engage in IP development, extending elements such as characters and stories from the game world to other media such as animation, novels, etc., to create a richer gaming experience for players.

Additionally, we will intensify efforts to promote the development of esports events, organizing competitions of various scales to provide players with a platform to showcase their skills, while also adding more interaction and fun to the gaming community. Throughout this series of ecosystem development efforts, we will give back to the community through profit sharing and other forms, growing together with players and sharing the joy and benefits brought by the game.

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